🐲 How-To-Play: Complete a small daily habit of your choosing every day for 21 days, and you win. But miss a single day, and you fail.
⏳ Timeline: Your challenge starts the day after you sign up and runs for 21 days unless you fail and surrender to the dragon.
✉️ Daily Accountability Email: Prepare for Turmoilus Rex's clever and sarcastic remarks as he tries to convince you to give up and surrender with each email. But don't quit!
❤️🔥 Honor System: Hold yourself accountable for completing your habit everyday. If you miss a day, gracefully admit defeat and officially surrender.
💀 Consequences for Failing: You’ll have to share your defeat with your best friend... Don't let them down.
🏆 Rewards for Winning: Feel MAGIC when you stick to a new habit for 21 days!... and unlock so much more.
🍎 The Fruits of Consistency: Witness the unique result of your habit sustained for 21 days.
🐑 Level Up: Each conquered challenge elevates you one level closer to mastering your role as the ultimate champion against distraction and adversity.
💎 Treasure: Collect treasure and flaunt your victory!
🦄 Magic Unicorn: Earn a unique digital badge and rank to flaunt your victory on our leaderboard.
🐲 Official Dragon Slayer Status: Ascend to the esteemed rank of Dragon Slayer, a title reserved only for the true lords of Avalon.
🏅 Badge of Honor: Earn unique digital medals for your heroic efforts.
👑 Immortalized in Glory: Your Hero Name and Quest forever etched into the prestigious Hall of Fame.
📜 Exclusive Certificate of Achievement: Receive a prestigious certificate commemorating your triumph in the challenge.